The University of Stirling is committed to widening access to education, and our commitment to excelling in this area is set out in our Strategic Plan 2016-2021. Through funding from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Impact for Access project was developed, comprising numerous activities to engage with and encourage pupils from local secondary schools of the benefits of further and higher education. Alongside this, young people’s perceptions of gender stereotypes and education were challenged.
Young people took part in student-led events and were participants in research investigating how widening access and gender influences access to higher education and subject choice. The University of Stirling held a Scottish sector-wide conference to showcase the Impact for Access project and to share best practice across institutions.
The collaborative working between the University of Stirling and the Students’ Union has resulted in the most recent student-led events being shortlisted for an NUS Scotland Education Award.
Further information on all Impact for Access activities can be found on this website, including agendas, examples of presentations and outcomes.